May 14, 2015

KangenWater Thailand

Enagic Authorised Distributor Sale and Service

Alkaline Water

น้ำด่างหรือน้ำอัลคาไลน์ (Alkaline Water) มีค่าพีเฮชระหว่าง pH 8.5 ถึง pH 9.5 ซึ่งเป็นระดับเหมาะสมที่สุดที่จะดื่มกินเพื่อสุขภาพ เพราะจะเข้าไปช่วยปรับลดภาวะความเป็นกรดจากของเหลวภายในเลือดได้

Hydration and Drinkability
Ionized alkaline water is an excellent source of healthful hydration because not only does it taste better with a superior mouth feel, it is more readily absorbed by the body. This increases the “drinkability” of water by reducing the usual feeling of being “bloated” from drinking the recommended daily allowance of 8 glasses per day. In side by side tests, most people can taste the difference!
Free Radical Scavenging
Ionized alkaline water supports the wellness of bodily organs while promoting the health of those same organs. Part of the reason for these bene(its is that ionized alkaline water has been demonstrated to be an anti-­‐oxidant free radical scavenger.
Encouraging Longevity
Scienti(ically recognized benefits of water include the support of wellness and longevity. The natural benefits of water are encouraged and enhanced by alkalinity. Alkalinity is the state in which water is most harmonious with its physiological wellness benefits.
Water is the universal solvent that our bodies rely on for flushing toxins and waste products from the body. With its negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and great taste, you can count on ionized alkaline water such as Kangen Water® to aid in the neutralization of free radicals and address all of your body’s hydration needs.